Popcorn with curry – hearty Popcorn snack

by Feb,2018Recipes, Small Dishes

Hearty popcorn with curry.


This hearty popcorn with curry is sometimes an alternative to the classics salty or sweet. It’s super easy to do and definitely something different.

Super Bowl Snacks

With the many different curries on the market, you have a great way to customize it to your liking. Whether a simple curry, more sharpness or even a fruity version. We made our popcorn with a simple and classic curry.
Later comes the recipe for sweet popcorn with caramel. That’s the blast, I promise.

The other Super Bowl snacks can be found here:


Popcorn with Curry

Zubereitungszeit 5 minutes
Kochzeit 10 minutes
Gesamtzeit 15 minutes
Portionen 2 Portions


  • 4 tbsp. Oil
  • 40 g Popcorn Kernels
  • 1 tbsp. Curry
  • 1 tsp. Salt


  1. Heat the oil in a pot (about 20 cm Ø and 10 cm high) on the stove at the highest level.

  2. If the oil is hot and starts to smoke a bit, add the corn and close the lid.

  3. Always move the pot slightly so that the unpopped corn kernels can fall to the ground.

  4. When all corn kernels have popped, turn off the heat. Now add the curry and salt, close the lid again and shake well. Then pour the popcorn with curry into a bowl.



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