Popcorn with Caramel

by Feb.,2018Recipes, Small Dishes

Popcorn with Caramel


The popcorn with caramel is not as easy to make as the variant with curry, but mega delicious. Those who like sweet popcorn will love this.

Super Bowl Snacks

We do not just sprinkle sugar over the popcorn, we cook a great caramel with butter, this is a special sweet popcorn. Due to butter and sugar it is not a diet popcorn, but it is so delicious.

The other Super Bowl snacks can be found here:


Popcorn with Caramel

Zubereitungszeit 5 minutes
Kochzeit 20 minutes
Gesamtzeit 25 minutes
Portionen 2 Portions


  • 75 g Sugar
  • 50 g Butter
  • 2 tbsp. Oil
  • 40 g Popcorn


  1. Put the sugar in a saucepan and let it caramelize. If he has a nice brown colour, remove the pot from the heat and add the butter.

  2. Stir constantly until the butter and caramel have bonded. Set the pot aside.

  3. Pu the oil in a pot (about 20 cm Ø and 10 cm high) and heat on the stove at the highest level.

  4. If the oil is hot and starts to smoke a bit, add the corn and the caramel, stir fast and close the lid.

  5. Always move the pot slightly so that the unpopped corn kernels can fall to the ground.

  6. When all corn kernels have popped, turn off the heat. Then pour the popcorn with caramel into a bowl.



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