Delicious Guacamole – the classic nacho dip

by Feb.,2018Recipes, Small Dishes

A delicious Guacamole should not be missing when you eat Nachos.


The last thing missing to the perfect Super Bowl Nachos is a delicious guacamole. Usually this is simply made from crushed avocado, some coriander, lemon juice and spices. We make it with cream cheese. This raises the taste and makes the whole thing even creamier.

Super Bowl Snacks

Tomorrow there are two delicious popcorn varieties and the football evening can begin.

The other Super Bowl snacks can be found here:


Delicious Guacamole

Zubereitungszeit 5 minutes
Kochzeit 10 minutes
Gesamtzeit 15 minutes
Portionen 2 Portions


  • 1 Pcs. Avocado
  • 20 g Cream Cheese
  • Cilantro
  • Salt
  • Pepper


  1. Halve the avocado, remove the stone and remove the pulp from the skin.

  2. Finely crush the pulp and mix with the cream cheese. Add some chopped cilantro and season with salt and pepper.



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