Tagliatelle, fried Brussels sprouts and ham

by Jan.,2018Recipes

Tagliatelle + fried Brussels sprouts = winter pasta


Fried Brussels sprouts is one of the good things in winter. I just love brussels sprouts, and if it’s roasted or fried it’s double good. That is why it is now quite common to make Brussels sprouts for dinner, such as the fried rice with roasted Brussels sprouts. During the last shopping trip, we even found the purple Brussels sprouts. It tastes a bit nuttier and just looks great.

So what was closer to combine the fresh, homemade Tagliatelle with Brussels sprouts. In addition, some ham, onions and a few herbs, finished is a winter pasta dish. Not difficult and so yummy.

If you want to do the Tagliatelle yourself, you will find the recipe with instructions here. Alternatively you can buy of course some Tagliatelle.

Tagliatelle, fried Brussels sprouts and ham

Zubereitungszeit 10 minutes
Kochzeit 15 minutes
Gesamtzeit 25 minutes
Portionen 2 Portions


  • 250 g Brussels Sprouts
  • 1 Pcs. Onion
  • 1 tbsp. Oil
  • 150 g Ham
  • 50 ml White Wine
  • 100 ml Vegetable Stock
  • 2 Portions Tagliatelle
  • 25 g Cream Cheese
  • Herbs
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Nutmeg


  1. Clean and slice the Brussels sprouts. Peel the onion and cut into fine cubes.

  2. Heat the oil in a pan and fry the Brussels sprouts vigorously. After about 5-10 minutes he has already got some color, reduce the heat and add the onion cubes and the ham.

  3. Meanwhile cook the tagliatelle in boiling salted water al dente.

  4. Sauté for about 5 more minutes. Now deglaze with white wine and let this reduce.

  5. Then add the vegetable stock and the still hot tagliatelle. Mix everything together.

  6. Finally, add the cream cheese and herbs to taste and season with the spices.



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