Affiliate Links

Some links in the recipes or on pages are marked with an asterisk* or an [amazon link = “B00QJDO0QC” title = “Amazon logo” link_overwrite = “”]. These affiliate links are links to products and sites that we would like to recommend you.

These are always products or pages that we use or visit. You can look there directly with the link and if required, you can also order. Should you order something via such a link, we will get a small commission. But nothing changes for you, you always pay the same price.

So if you buy something from Amazon or other affiliate sites through our link, you have no disadvantage. In return, you do us a great favor and reward us for the work we put in Reisegabel. In addition to a lot of effort and time, such a blog costs a bit of money. With your support, we get something back to continue to present great recipes, exciting travel reports and delicious drinks on Reisegabel.