Jam from Juneberry

Jam from Juneberry

Jam from Juneberry


The recipe today is a little bit more special, because you can not buy the juneberry so easy. One or the other may have seen this shrub in the garden and seen the fruits. We also became aware after a few years, that the fruits are edible. My parents have the juneberry in the garden for a long time, but so far only the birds have eaten it.

Jam from Juneberry

The picking is a bit difficult because the fruits are not all ripe at the same time and you have to look carefully. In addition, the juneberries are only as big as blueberries. But it’s worth it, if they would stand in the garden anyway and fall off. You just have to see if the birds have discovered the shrub, then you should quickly protect the fruits with a net, otherwise nothing is left.

Jam from Juneberry

The juneberrie belongs to the pome fruit plants. The seeds contain hydrocyanic acid, so you should not eat them raw. It is easy to get gastrointestinal discomfort from eating large quantities of raw juneberries or chewed seeds. But processed as jam you get no problems with it.


Jam from Juneberry

Zubereitungszeit 15 minutes
Kochzeit 20 minutes
Gesamtzeit 35 minutes


  • 1 kg Juneberry
  • 1 Pcs. Lemon
  • 750 g Sugar


  1. Wash the Juneberries and remove all the stems. Halve the lemon and squeeze out the juice.

  2. Put lemon juice, juneberries and sugar in a saucepan and mix. Bring to a boil.

  3. Purée with a blender, it may be still a bit lumpy.

  4. Now boil for about 20 minutes while stirring constantly. Then test and see if the jam gets firm. If necessary, continue cooking.

  5. Now put in well-cleaned glasses, close with a lid and let cool.



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