Hamburg Reisen 2016 – The trade fair for vacation

The exhibition Hamburg Reisen 2016 was held from 17 to 21st February 2016.

The Hamburg Reisen 2016 took place in the Hamburg exhibition halls. The 900 exhibitors presented five days in ten halls innovations and highlights. This year about 76 000 visitors use the opportunity to learn about the different holiday and travel opportunities.

The fair was divided in different areas. In addition to vacation, bicycle, caravans and cruise. The Hamburg car days were also held for the fourth time and were part of the fair price.

The halls A1, A2 and A4 were dominated by camping. In addition to various caravans, mobile homes, there were also a lot accessories to see. Even more unusual Camping Mobile were issued.

In Hall B1 you could check any new forms of “bicycle”. Also an area for test drives became available.

Messe Reisen Hamburg 2016 4

Then I continued in halls B2, B3 and B4. There are various tourist offices have set up their stalls. Even one or the other bus company offered its rides. Those who wanted to look at the German-speaking countries, here was the right place.

Following I visited Hall B5. In addition to international exhibitors and more “young” target areas there was also a large area for cruising.

The Hall B7 offered a large area for Austria and Scandinavia where there was also entertainment, food and drink.

Finally, on my way toward the exit, I took a short look at Hall B6, where the Car Days Hamburg took place.

Most of the time I spent in the Hall of international destinations and cruises, the rest I have processed more quickly. The area was best dealt, because there where the smallest crowds. Most visitors were rather older and many have taken everything that was not nailed down.

Who is looking for ideas for a holiday, or want to book directly, the fair is the right thing. Personally for me it was not worth. I did not want to take on every stand a brochure or book a trip. Nor was I to tap it free from any pins or bags. Rather, I had the impression that many of the visitors are not familiar with the internet and like something for free. The information that I need for a holiday, I get almost all of it online.

Hanse Spirit 2016 – The Spirits Fair for Consumer


The Hanse Spirit 2016 offered again plenty of choices.

The Hanse Spirit 2016 from 5th – 7th February could, as it did last year, convincing with a great choice. 65 exhibitors showed this year on about 6300 qm² their products.

Hanse Spirit 2016

After the huge success last year, the trade fair this year has been further improved and was easier to achieve than in the last year, thanks to the more central exhibition hall B1.

The ground floor of Hall B1 was equipped with the exhibitors’ stands and 200 seating. The Bistro and the different rooms was accommodated for the tastings on the first floor.

Among the manufacturers there is again a mix of distributors and producers. What gives you the opportunity to taste also special blends of traders not only original bottlings. Also the fair offers numerous tasting opportunities for little money. you can try whiskeys who not exist anymore.

The exhibition is therefore a great opportunity to enjoy rarities for relatively little money without pay for a whole bottle hundreds of euros. The majority of the spirits at the fair is very clear whiskey. But there are not only the classic single malt Scotch, you find also whiskeys from Switzerland or Sweden.

A special feature of the Hanse Spirit 2016 was the Märkische specialist distillery KG, which had a live-firing plant at the fair in operation. There you could find out and experience as a distillate is produced.

A special feature of the Hanse Spirit 2016 was the Märkische Spezialitätenbrennerei KG, which had a live distillery at the fair in operation. There you could find out and experience as a distillate is produced.

For me, in addition to finding new whiskey or other spirits, to try rarities is always a highlight of the fair. Where else you can get so easy and cheap 2 cl of old treasures.

But to find unknown rums, gins or other spirits makes every year again fun. This year there was also again a variety of tastings, but we have seen none.

During the round of the fair one or the other drops wandered into our glass. So there was, among other things an Ardbeg Perpetuum, Talisker Distillers Edition, Octomore 6.3, Clenmorangie Signet, Ardbeg Galileo and a Skin Gin. In particular, the two Ardbeg and Clenmorangie tasted very good. Also the gin was delicious. The Talisker and Octomore could not really convince me.

Last year, we realized too late that some places also bottling the whisky in small bottles to. This year we were smarter and have taken us at the booth of Flickenschild still 4 specialties for home. Each 2cl from Ardbeg Kildalton 2013, Ardbeg Auriverdes, Ardbeg Supernova and Clenmorangie Companta.

My conclusion:

I like the Hanse Spirit 2016 more than 2015. It had more space and seating, which made it really enjoyable. Even the location of the Hall B1 was easier to achieve. There was a mix of exhibitors and great products to get to know.

Looking forward to next year.


More about the fair on

Musical – “Love Never Dies – The Phantom 2” in Hamburg

Love Never Dies, the sequel to the world success Phantom of the Opera.

Since October 15, the musical Love Never Dies – Phantom 2 runs in Stage Operettenhaus in Hamburg. The musical is a continuation of the musical Phantom of the Opera, which was played until September 30 also in Hamburg.

© Stage Entertainment

© Stage Entertainment


The Theatre

The theater is located directly on the Reeperbahn and accommodate on two floors 1335 spectators in 5 categories. Prices range 58-162 Euro. The seats are comfortable, but unfortunately quite close together. Someone with long legs gets there already problems.

Liebe Stirbt Nie

On the lower floor there is almost no inclination, which unfortunately gets problems with vision, because the head in front of you is in the way. In the top rank there is sufficient slope, so there is no problem with the view. However, the top rank is currently sold only on the weekends.

The Musical

At first I was a little skeptical with this sequel because I find the phantom of the opera very well and I could not imagine how it goes. Also reports on the musical of England where not really full with enthusiasm. Nevertheless, it was clear that we at least looked it once.

Love Never Dies playing 10 years after the Phantom of the Opera in New York. The Phantom is alive and has gone to New York City. The story is quite simple, Christine comes with her husband and child to New York, where she meets of course the Phantom.

Rather, I do not want to reveal. As the title suggests, it comes naturally to the love between Christine and the Phantom. It goes back and forth and in the end it will then again really dramatic.

The musical is a little scary from the atmosphere. The stage design and the costumes are very good and really fun. The vocal performance of the performer is also good to very good. The Phantom is very well staffed, Christin is not understood when singing. This is one of the opera singing and also the fact that the actress is not German and the pronunciation is therefore not quite as perfect.

Unfortunately, the songs find not really the way into your ear. It has none of what becomes a catchy tune. The one or the other song is slowly gaining momentum, but then abruptly broken by voice singing. Too bad.

The whole course can also be due to expectations that there is the “same” music as in the Phantom of the Opera.
At least you get some time born for his money, that goes all the musical incl. break around 2 hours and 45 minutes.


Unfortunately, I could not convince the musical. I’ve seen it once and that’s enough for me. The songs could not pick me up, that value for money does not fit for me easily and in Stage Operettenhaus simply does not sit so well.


Eat & Style 2015 in Hamburg

Eat & Style 2015 – meeting place for gourmets

© FLEET Events

© FLEET Events

From Oktober 9 to 11, the Schuppen 52 in Hamburg transformed by the Eat & Style again to the meeting point for all curious and trend-conscious connoisseurs.

The visitors were offered again a varied program with interactive workshops, live shows and special theme world. The countless booths invited to shop, try and join.

With the different theme worlds, there was something for everyone. From a small baking course, through various tastings to the stands of the manufacturers. Admission was 15 € at the box office, in advance you could secure tickets for 13 €.

My original focus was just as it did last year at the small stalls of manufactories. There you could always find a few highlights.

My personal favorite of the fair:


Spice for Live

Great spices from around the world in organic quality. In addition to the normal stuff like pepper or curry mixes, there are also special salts as Kala Namak and whiskey-pepper or smoked pepper.


Luicella’s Ice Cream

Tasty, artisan gelato from St. Pauli. The ice creams are made from mainly local raw materials and no artificial flavors and additives. Delicious!



There was delicious apple juices from unmixed apples. The apple juice is available in 3 varieties of apples from “alten Land”. Elstar, Boskoop and Holsteiner Cox. Each of the juices was delicious, something for everyone.


Juice Dudes

At the both from the two “dudes” we could try two cold-pressed vegetable juices. The special feature of the juices is that they are cold-pressed and are then also not boiled. So all the vitamins are preserved and come into the bottle. All tasted very fresh and you can taste every ingredient out. Since fruit is pressed out, the juices are very balanced in taste.



The highlight at the fair! Almost everyone likes a nutty spread, most eating Nutella. Brandgut are spreads from roasted and caramelised nuts. Those looking for a spread that tastes like roasted almonds, is right here. Tastes like fair for your bread. There are a total of 6 different varieties. Pistachio, pecan, cashew, almond, hazelnut and peanut. The nuts are respectively roasted, caramelized and then grounded. The spreads are Vegan and without additives or preservatives.



An interesting concept is Deliveroo. This delivery service brings food from restaurants without an own delivery service.


Hof Wümmetal

The farm Wümmetal has a Galloway breed and offers pure meat and sausages from galloway cattles. We tried at the fair liverwurst and salami, both very tasty.



This start-up company from Berlin offers organic drinking chocolate with caffeine. For those who do not drink coffee in the morning and need a charge caffeine. The hot chocolate is available in 6 different varieties. Especially now in winter an interesting thing. Drinking chocolate with caffeine are available in cinnamon-cardamom, classic, chili and pur without sugar. There are with edelbitter and jungle cocoa are two varieties without caffeine.



Everyone knows fruit vinegars, but the fruit vinegars from Fruchtwerker are extremely fragrant. They ferment the fruit separately and put the vinegar inside later on. This gives them a very fruity vinegar that you can enjoy for everything. There are varieties raspberry, strawberry, orange, blackcurrant, lemon and honey.



In the online shop Delinero, there are many specialties from all over Europe. Here one finds unfamiliar specialties and can order them directly for a very good price/performance ratio. At the fair you could taste some very good stuff.


My conclusion to this year’s Eat & Style:

The exhibition has grown, but it was not all positive. More small stands and event space are indeed great, but the premises have not become larger. This year the stands of the manufacturers were already quite small. If two people standing there, the people behind can’t see anything. Positive was the unified picture of the stands.

The paths were felt not as wide as last year, which was not really fun at the rush hour in the afternoon. The parking situation was probably again a little tense, but the shuttle and traveling by public transport was again super.

To bring more big sponsors on board is no problem, but the stall from Media Markt was then somehow misplaced. Especially since the whole has not an impact on the price of admission.

The small stalls were personally the best for me. Next year with pleasure in a bigger venue, it’s a little more relaxed and everyone has space.

Here are a few impressions from the event:

Andreas Gabalier thrilled Hamburg

Andreas Gabalier provides lots of atmosphere in Hamburg

On Friday 9th of October the austrian people Rock’n’Roller Andreas Gabalier gave in the sold Barclaycard Arena in Hamburg the 13000 visitors a great concert.

Shortly before eight began the opening act “Bluma” to heat slightly the visitors. The arena was not yet really filled and even mood was not right on. The band tried to inspire the audience, but that’s not really succeeded. I personally do not like it so well. The band also played only 15 minutes and then went quickly from the stage.


IMG_1944 Kopie

After waiting a short conversion and about 10 minutes the actual concert going on at 20.20 clock. Even right at the beginning you could tell that was the whole arena in mood. Andreas Gabalier has managed from start to inspire the hall until the very end. The whole concert is managed without major frills, he needed no big show to convince.

He skilfully varied his title in order to bring an absolute party atmosphere and back some peace inside. This was not bad for the whole concert. To fuel the mood after a rugigen song it was enough to announce the title or “now all hands in the air” and the atmosphere was already right back in the arena.

Andreas Gabalier played songs from his latest album Mountain Man also some old ones like “I sing a Liad für di” or his theme song for the World Ski Championships “Go for Gold”. In some quiet songs he played without a band alone with the piano or the accordion.

After about an hour you have looked for the first time at the clock and wondering when the break comes. Eventually it was then in the thought that he will probably play without a break his 90 minutes, then an addition and is then finished. But Andreas Gabalier has played 2.5 hours!!! concert included all additions without a break.

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The concert was also not drawn through long speeches or other in the length between the songs. Andreas Gabalier told one or the other story, but it was never long-winded or even boring. One of the highlights in addition to the songs was surely the give away of 5 free tickets for his concert in Munich’s Olympic Stadium next year. He had 5 cards and for each bra on stage there was a free ticket. In the beginning no one wanted to really throw his bra on stage, but after a short wait were flying more and more. Even when all 5 cards were gone, they came yet flown. The best spell of Gabalier when he had lifted a bra was: “Ui, this is still quite warm”

As a conclusion, I can say that even if you not listen Andreas Gabalier daily, it can a well-liked at the concert anyway.

Andreas Gabalier