Asparagus Flatbread

by Mai,2018Recipes, Small Dishes

Asparagus Flatbread

Try this tasty asparagus flatbread, because asparagus tastes not only pure, grilled or as a soup.
If you liked the recipe for the grilled asparagus last week, you can also try this asparagus flatbread. In the asparagus season you never can have enough recipes with asparagus.

The Flatbread dough for this version has already proven its value in the avocado flatbread, the small berry flatbread and the pumpkin flatbread and has now been suitably topped with fresh green asparagus. For the asparagus flatbread, I have simply spread a flavored sour cream under the asparagus and of course Parmesan may not be missing. It is again very nice for this recipe to have fresh asparagus almost directly from the field, like I had already in the recipe for the grilled asparagus.

Enjoy and have fun cooking.

Asparagus Flatbread




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