Homemade Tagliatelle

by Jan.,2018Recipes, Side Dishes

Very easy homemade Tagliatelle.

They stood already a long time on my to do list “Pasta”. What exactly did I not write on to, but I definitely want to make pasta for over a year. At the weekend it was finally time, there was the first variety: homemade Tagliatelle. The right [amazon link=”B01COGM5YQ” title=”dough sheeter for the Pasta” /] has also been in the cupboard for a long time, so only one dough had to be made. Such a pasta dough is not difficult, but there are lots of philosophies. Special pasta flour, semolina, olive oil, eggs ……. Everyone makes the dough different, and everyone is somehow right.

So just try it yourself, until you find your taste and the best mixture. For our tagliatelle this means that it has become a dough with flour, semolina, egg and salt. The pasta dough can be made very easily, and even roll out quite easy. The cooking is also very fast with fresh pasta.

So if you prepare the dough the day before, you can quickly make a pasta dish. We should have done this much earlier, because homemade pasta tastes best. This Sunday I have a great winter pasta recipe for you, make a note! I tell you only so much, homemade tagliatelle, Brussels sprouts ….. mmmhhhhh!

Such a [amazon link=”B01COGM5YQ” title=”dough sheeter for the Pasta” /] costs not that much and makes the work really easy. the next on my shopping list is a [amazon link=”B01C5N0L8U” title=”Pasta drying rack” /]. So it is not so difficult to hang the pasta somewhere in between the making.

Homemade Tagliatelle

Zubereitungszeit 10 minutes
Kochzeit 20 minutes
Gesamtzeit 30 minutes
Portionen 2 Portions


  • 50 g Wheat Flour
  • 50 g Semolina
  • 1 Pcs. Egg
  • 1/3 tsp. Salt


  1. Put all ingredients in a bowl and mix by hand.

  2. When a firm dough has formed, knead it well on the worktop for a few more minutes.

  3. Wrap the dough in foil and refrigerate for approx. 2 hours.

  4. Make 4 portions from the dough and press them a little flat and long. You should have the width of the pasta machine.

  5. Well floured roll the dough on the largest level by the [amazon link="B01COGM5YQ" title="machine" /]. Repeat this step by step at each level until level 5.

  6. At level 5, roll the dough through twice and then either make noodles with a suitable attachment or cut into strips with the knife.

  7. Spread the noodles on a wooden stick or a [amazon link="B01C5N0L8U" title="Pasta drying rack" /] and do the same with the remaining dough.

  8. When all the noodles are ready, cook them in boiling salt water until al dente.



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