Curd Fritter

by Jan.,2018Dessert, Recipes

Curd fritter do not taste just on New Year’s Eve.


These curd fritters are the perfect companion for New Year’s Eve. Many go these days on, and purchased yeast donuts from the bakery or supermarket. Either there’s no time to bake yourself, or it’s just too difficult. There is here the recipe for the curd fritter. They are very easy to make and do not last that long.

By the way, the fritters taste not only on New Year’s Eve. In Germany they are a classic in the carnival time, or just when you like it.


Curd Fritter

Zubereitungszeit 10 minutes
Kochzeit 25 minutes
Gesamtzeit 35 minutes
Portionen 35 Pieces


For the Dough:

  • 400 g Wheat Flour
  • 100 g Sugar
  • 250 g Curd
  • 75 ml Milk
  • 100 ml Sunflower Oil
  • 1 Pcs. Egg
  • 15 g Baking Powder
  • 1 Pinch Salt

For Finishing:

  • 2 Liter/kg Oil
  • Sugar


  1. Place all ingredients in a mixing bowl and knead with the dough hooks to a dough.

  2. Heat the oil in a saucepan (170° C). Cut off, with 2 teaspoons, approx. 35 balls from the dough. Bake them in the hot fat until golden brown while turning them.

  3. Remove the fritters and drain briefly on a piece of kitchen paper. Then roll hot in the sugar.



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