Bananabread Breakfastbowl

by Jan.,2018Breakfast, Recipes

Bananabread Breakfastbowl – perfect start to the day.


With the bananabread breakfastbowl, I have a simple and delicious recipe, which provides you with power for the day. The ingredients just have to be mixed in a bowl and your breakfast is ready. You do not have to do it so nice every day. But on the weekend, you can make it look a bit nicer.

Bananabread Breakfastbowl

I always use harder oatmeal and let them soak a little longer. But if you do not have that much time, you can just take tender oatmeal. These require almost no soaking and are softer to chew.


Bananabread Breakfastbowl

Zubereitungszeit 5 minutes
Kochzeit 5 minutes
Gesamtzeit 10 minutes
Portionen 1 Bowl


  • 100 g Oatmeal
  • 175 ml Milk
  • 1 tbsp. desiccated Coconut roasted
  • 1 pcs. Banana
  • 25 g Pecans
  • 20 g Raisins
  • Cinnamon ground


  1. Put the oatmeal and milk in a bowl and mix.

  2. Peel and slice the banana.

  3. Spread banana slices, grated coconut, pecans and raisins on the oatmeal and sprinkle with cinnamon as desired.



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