Nutella liqueur – sweet, tasty, yummy

by Dez.,2017Drinks, Recipes

Nutella liqueur – the perfect liqueur for New Year’s Eve.


This recipe for the Nutella liqueur is just right for New Year’s Eve and all lovers of the spread. Whether before you start with the food, in between, or as a dessert. If you like sweet liqueur, you will love it. So if you want to enhance the celebration with something homemade, that’s your recipe.

Whether on New Year’s Eve, a party or any other cozy evening. It goes easy and tastes all who love sweet. Have fun with it.

Nutella Liqueur

Nutella Liqueur

Zubereitungszeit 10 minutes
Kochzeit 10 minutes
Gesamtzeit 20 minutes


  • 100 ml Cream
  • 1/2 Pcs. Vanilla Pod
  • 100 g Icing Sugar
  • 100 g Nutella
  • 100 ml brown Rum


  1. Pour the cream into a saucepan and warm it. Halve the vanilla pod and scrape out the seeds.

  2. Add the vanilla seeds, sugar and Nutella to the cream and stir until the sugar and Nutella have dissolved.

  3. Finally, add the rum, fill everything in a large or two small bottles and let cool.



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